Amylase 12

Amylase 12

(5 customer reviews)




Infinite Liquid a-Amylase 12 ml Diagnostic Reagent

from Accurex (Pack Size : 6 x 2 ml). a-Amylase reagent is used for determination of amylase activity based on kinetic method using Gal G2 – a CNP. Amylase is a ready-to-use reagent.

Normal amylase level

is 40 to 140 units per liter (U/L) or 0.38 to 1.42 microkat/L (µkat/L).

Infinite a-Amylase can be used on any Spectrophotometer, Discrete semiautomated & Automated analyzers. Reaction type is Kinetic. Accurex Biomedical is the first biochemical reagents manufacturing company in India

50 in stock


  • Infinite a-Amylase ‘is a reagent set for determination of amylase activity based on kinetic method using Gal G2 – a CNP.
  • Infinite a-Amylase is a ready-to-use reagent.
  • Infinite a-Amylase can be determined in just 21/2 minutes at 37°C.
  • Infinite a-Amylase is linear upto 2000 IU/1.
  • Infinite a-Amylase is a High Stability Reagent.
  • Infinite a-Amylase can be used on any Spectrophotometer, Discrete semiautomated and Automated analyzers.
  • Programme can be designed for any specific analyzer upon request.
    Pack Size : 6 x 2 ml


Amylase test involves use of a chromogenic substrate Gal G, – a CNP (2-chloro-4-nitrophenyl linked with galactosyl maltoside). The direct action of amylase with this substrate results in the release of more than 90% of 2-chloro-4-nitrophenol, which can be monitored by kinetic assay at 405 nm. The increase in absorbance is directly proportional to the amylase activity in the sample.


• Reaction type ………………. Kinetic
• Reaction direction ………………. Increasing
• Wavelength ………………. 405 nm
• Flow Cell temperature ………………. 37° C (+ 0.2°C)

• Zero setting with ………………. Distilled water
• Delay time ………………. 60 seconds
• No. of readings ………………. 4
• Interval ………………. 30 seconds
• Blank absorbance limit ………………. < 0.500 Abs
•Sample volume ………………. 0.02 ml (20)
• Linearity ………………. 2000 IU/

Quality Control

To ensure adequate quality control, it is recommended that each batch should include a normal and abnormal commercial reference control serum. It should be realized that the use of quality control material checks both instrument and reagent functions together. Factors which might affect the performance of this test include proper instrument function, temperature control, cleanliness of glassware and accuracy of pipetting.

Other Details

Mix thoroughly and transfer the assay mixture immediately to the thermostated cuvette and start the stopwatch simultaneously. Record the first reading at 60 second and subsequently three more readings with 30 seconds interval at 405 nm.

5 reviews for Amylase 12

  1. Vijay Chandar

    Im using accurex company biochemistry reagents from last 4 month. Reagent quality and service is good.

  2. Kailash Chandra

    Accurex reagents are very good..

  3. Darpan Vishwas

    Very good quality reagents with dynamic and focused sales staff.

  4. Aniruddha Kale

    Very much satisfied by the quality of Infinite Liquid a-Amylase

  5. Aboli Kurde

    Very good and stable Reagent

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