Arsenazo Ill reacts with calcium ions at neutral pH to form a blue coloured complex. Neutral pH Ca **+Arsenazo III – Calcium-arsenazo complex Fully automated systems automatically calculate the Calcium concentration of each sample. Results in mmol/l = Results in mg/dlx0.25 With AutoPure Calcium Arsenazo III, the assay is linear upto 15 mg/dl (3.75 mmol/l). Determine samples with higher concentrations via the rerun function. On instruments without rerun function, manually dilute samples with higher concentrations using 0.9% NaCl or distilled/deionized water (e.g. 1 + 2). Multiply the result by the appropriate dilution factor(e.g. 3).
Serum/Plasma Adults : 8.6- 10.2 mg/dl (2.15-2.55 mmol/l)
Quality Control
Each batch of AutoPure Calcium Arsenazo III is assayed with at least six quality control sera-Precinorm**, Precipath**, Bio Rad I***, Bio Rad II***, Accutrol Normal and Accutrol Abnormal prior to release-, To ensure adequate quality control, it is recommended that the laboratory should use a normal and abnormal commercial reference control serum. It should be realized that the use of quality control material checks both the reagent and instrument functions together. If the control values fall outside the specified limits, each of the below criteria should be cross-checked and corrected:
• Proper instrument function – wavelength setting, light source and temperature control.
• Cleanliness of probes and cuvettes.
• Bacterial contamination of wash water used by the instrument.
A comparison of the calcium determination using AutoPure Calcium Arsenazo III and AutoZyme Calcium Arsenazo III reagent gave the following correlation (mg/dl): Linear Regression y=0.949x+0.574 r=0.941 Sy.x=0.33
Ramakant Alve –
Sphera FAA with the reagents recommended
Neel –
We have found the Calcium Arsenazo III 80 Reagent to be user-friendly, with clear and concise instructions that simplify reagent preparation and testing procedures.
Ravi –
I recommend the Calcium Arsenazo III 80 Reagent to other clinical laboratories seeking a dependable solution for the determination of calcium levels.