AutoPure Bilirubin Direct 164

AutoPure Bilirubin Direct 164

(3 customer reviews)




AutoPure Bilirubin Direct 164 Reagent

from Accurex (R1 8 X 20ml: R2 1 X 4ml). Bilirubin Direct 164 Reagent is used for the determination of Total and Direct Bilirubin based on Jendrassik & Grof method, using Diazotized Sulfanilic Acid with DMSO as an activator for Total Bilirubin.

Bilirubin is a two reagent system using one procedure, linear up to 20mg% & can be determined in just 5 minutes. Autozyme Bilirubin method is relatively free of interference from hemoglobin and other commonly occurring substances in serum/plasma.

50 in stock


  • Method –Jendrassik & Grof
  • Ready-to-use liquid stable reagents
  • Simple test procedure : 1.0 ml + 0.02 ml + 0.05 ml
  • Results via factor : 20.2 at 530 nm. – 550 nm.
  • Autozyme Bilirubin is a reagent set for determination of Total and Direct Bilirubin based on Jendrassik & Grof method, using Diazotized Sulfanilic Acid with DMSO as an activator for
  • Total Bilirubin
  • Autozyme Bilirubin is a two reagent system using one procedure
  • Autozyme Bilirubin is linear up to 20mg%
  • Autozyme Bilirubin has one step reconstitution
  • Autozyme Bilirubin can be determined in just 5 minutes
  • Autozyme Bilirubin method is relatively free of interference from hemoglobin and other commonly occurring substances in serum or plasma



Bilirubin reacts with diazotized sulfanilic acid in acidic medium to
produce azobilirubin. DMSO catalyzes the formation of azobilirubin
from free bilirubin. DMSO
Bilirubin + Sulphanilic acid + Sodium NitriteAzobilirubin
Direct bilirubin, being water soluble directly reacts in acid c med um to produce Azobilirubin.
Bilirubin Sulphanilic acid + Sodium Nitrite Azobilirubin
The intensity of the viciet co our formed is directly proportional to the Concentration of bilirubin in the specimen and is measured


Reaction type……………………. End-Point E
Reaction time ………………….5 mins. at R.T. (25-30°C)
Wavelength……………………………546 nm.(530 – 550 nm.)
Zero setting with…………………….Serum Blank
Sample volume ……………………… 0.05 ml (50 III)
Reagent volume…………………..1.02 ml
Factor …………………………………20.2
Linearity …………………………20 mg%

Quality Control

Each batch of AutoPure Bilirubin is assayed with at least six quality control sera – Precinom Precipath*, Bio Rad |” Biorad It* Accutrol Normal and Accutrol Abnormal prior to release
To ensure adequate quality control, it is recommended that the laboratory should Use a normal and abnormal commercial reference control serum. It should Be realized that the use of quality control material checks both the reagent and
instrument functions together.
H the control values fall outside the specified limits, each of the below criteria should be cross checked and corrected:

-Proper instrument function wavelength setting, light sourCe and temperature
-Cleanliness of probes anc cuvettes.
-Bacterial contamination of wash water used by the instrument
-Expiry date of the reagent kt.
-Brand naTIE of Roche Diagnostics, CermaryBrand name a Biorad. USA,subiect to
availability of control serum.

Other Details

  • The kit should be stored at 2-8°C and is stable till the expiry date indicated on the label.
  • The reagent and standard are ready-to-use and are stable till expiry, when stored at 2- 8°C. DO NOT FREEZE THE REAGENT.

3 reviews for AutoPure Bilirubin Direct 164

  1. Ramesh singh

    Best quality reagent

  2. Ranjit

    Having worked extensively with the Bilirubin Direct 164 Reagent in our clinical laboratory, I can confidently attest to its outstanding performance and reliability in the determination of Total and Direct Bilirubin levels.

  3. Nitin

    We have found that the Bilirubin Direct 164 Reagent consistently delivers precise results across a wide range of sample types, making it a reliable choice for routine clinical testing.

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