AutoPure GOT (AST) 220

AutoPure GOT (AST) 220

(2 customer reviews)



Buy AutoPure GOT (AST) 220 (R1 4 X 44ml: R2 4 X 11 ml) from Accurex.

Glutamic Oxaloacetic Transaminase Reagent

is used for direct quantitative determination of aspartate transaminase (AST) in human serum and plasma on automated clinical chemistry analyzers.

AutoPure AST (GOT) Reagent is a ready-to-use, two liquid reagent system & the assay is linear upto 800 IU/I (13.36 μkat/I). Accurex Biomedical is the first Biochemical reagents manufacturing company in India.

50 in stock


  • AutoPure AST (GOT) is a reagent kit for direct quantitative determination of aspartate transaminase (AST) in human serum and plasma on automated clinical chemistry analyzers.
  • AutoPure AST (GOT) is a ready-to-use, two liquid reagent system.
  • With AutoPure AST (GOT), the assay is linear upto 800 IU/I (13.36 μkat/I).


α-ketoglutarate reacts with L-aspartate in the presence of AST (GOT) to form oxaloacetate and L-glutamate.
The increase in oxaloacetate is determined in an indicator reaction catalyzed by malate dehydrogenase.
The conversion of NADH to NAD+ is proportional to the AST (GOT) activity in the specimen and is determined kinetically.


AutoPure AST (GOT) can be used on various automated analyzers.

Quality Control

Each batch of AutoPure AST (GOT) is assayed with at least six quality control sera — Precinorm**, Precipath**, Biorad l***, Biorad II***, Sero Low**** and Sero High****prior to release.
To ensure adequate quality control, it is recommended that the laboratory should use a normal and an abnormal commercial reference control serum.
It should be realized that the use of quality control material checks both reagent and instrument functions together. The value of these controls should fall within the specified limits. If control values fall outside specified limits, each of the below criteria should be cross-checked and corrected :

• Proper instrument function – wavelength setting, light source and
temperature control
• Cleanliness of probes & cuvettes
• Bacterial contamination of wash water used by the instrument
• Expiry date of the reagent kit

Other Details

AutoPure AST (GOT) is a ready-to-use, two liquid reagent system.
Shelf – Life Stable till the expiry date indicated on the label, when stored at 20 – 80C.
On – Board Reagent Stability
R1 : 30 days at 20 – 80C after opening. Protect the reagent from light and contamination.
R2 : 30 days at 20 – 80C after opening. Protect the reagent from light and contamination.
Do not freeze the reagent.

2 reviews for AutoPure GOT (AST) 220

  1. Ashwin Kumar

    I like product and super quality, normal cost

  2. Nayan

    Its Comapatible, Ready-to-use systems are also convenient because they save time in preparation.

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