An Eye-Opener For Cardiac Arrest Powered By Accurex

An Eye-Opener For Cardiac Arrest Powered By Accurex


Nearly 88% of cardiac arrests occur outside the Hospital!

What is Cardiac Arrest?

Cardiac arrest occurs suddenly and often without warning. It is triggered by an electrical malfunction in the heart that causes an irregular heartbeat (arrhythmia). With its pumping action disrupted, the heart cannot pump blood to the brain, lungs and other organs. Seconds later, a person loses consciousness and has no pulse. Death occurs within minutes if the victim does not receive treatment.

What are the early signs of Cardiac Arrest?

Usually, there are no early signs. The person may just collapse.

However, some people may experience :

  1. Palpitations
  2. Dizziness
  3. Chest pain
  4. Difficulty in breathing

How does a doctor detect if a patient is facing an MI?

Doctors usually conduct an ECG test on patients to detect an MI, MI is a silent condition, however, it can be detected early. ECG is not a biomarker of detecting Myocardial infarction. ECG may even give false-negative results.

What is the Biomarker for MI?

TnI or Troponin I is the biomarker for detecting MI in patients. The Troponin levels will rise in the bloodstream when the heart faces any injuries. These levels rise as the condition gets worse, thus making a heart attack predictable in nature.

What is Accurex Trop I

Accurex has launched Trop I Rapid card kit which measures the release of Trop I in your bloodstream to as low as 0.3ng! This test can be conducted in any doctor’s clinic to help doctors with emergency walk-in patients or at emergency units in hospitals.

The test requires just one drop of finger-tip blood and the result presents itself in just 15 minutes! Various clinical trials have been conducted over the years on the rapid test by Accurex – and we are happy to report the test has shown 97% accuracy along with the pleasure of saving 100s of lives.

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Accurex Biomedical

Accurex Biomedical Pvt. Ltd. is an Indian manufacturer and marketer which provides accurate and quality solutions in the diagnostic industry.

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