ADA  Adenosine Deaminase

ADA  Adenosine Deaminase

Adenosine deaminase

Adenosine deaminase (ADA) is a protein produced by cells throughout the body that is linked to the activation of lymphocytes, a type of white platelet that plays a role in the body’s defense mechanism against contaminants. The immune system is stimulated by an infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, the bacteria that causes tuberculosis (TB), which may lead to an increase in ADA synthesis in the areas where the bacteria are present. This test assesses the concentration of adenosine deaminase in the fluid to assist in the identification of a pleural tuberculosis infection.

The deamination process from adenosine to inosine is catalyzed by the enzyme ADA. The presence of the enzyme is widespread in human tissues, with a concentration peak in T cells. Patients with acute hepatitis, alcoholic hepatic fibrosis, chronic active hepatitis, liver cirrhosis, viral hepatitis, and hepatoma have been found to have elevated serum ADA activity. Moreover, patients with tuberculous effusions showed increased ADA activity. When combined with ALT or -GT (GGT) tests, the measurement of ADA activity in patient serum may offer special values to the diagnosis of liver disorders. Methods for the ADA assay may also be effective in the

diagnosis of tuberculous


Each lung’s exterior as well as the chest cavity are covered in membranes referred to as pleurae. Little amounts of pleural fluid are continuously created during breathing and expiration to lubricate the movement of the lungs against and between these membranes. Pleurisy or pleuritis is an irritation of the pleura that can result from several conditions and diseases, including infection, and can cause excessive pleural liquid accumulation (pleural emanation). Chest pain, a lingering cough, and shortness of breath might result from tuberculosis infection of the pleura and lungs, which can also cause these symptoms. It is crucial to identify the cause as soon as possible because these symptoms may also be related to a number of other disorders. Only then can the affected individual receive the proper treatment.

Each lung’s exterior as well as the chest cavity are covered in membranes referred to as pleurae.

Because there may be a lot of fluid and few mycobacteria in pleural fluid, detection can be challenging. The

ADA test

can be used as an extra test to assist in deciding whether a person’s symptoms are probably brought on by tuberculosis, even though it is not specific and cannot be used in place of a culture to diagnose the disease. It may also be positive even when the amount of bacteria is very low.

How is the testing sample obtained?

A medical expert collects a sample of the pleural fluid using a syringe and a needle during a technique called thoracentesis. Rarely are other body fluid samples, such as cerebral or peritoneal fluid (CSF), taken using techniques that are particular to those fluids.

What does the test’s outcome indicate?

The likelihood that someone tested has an M. tuberculosis infection in their pleurae increases if adenosine deaminase (ADA) levels in their pleural fluid are noticeably high. This is particularly valid if a person lives in an area with a high prevalence of tuberculosis.

An individual may have tuberculosis in areas with low tuberculosis prevalence, or they may have an increased ADA result due to another condition, such as malignancy (especially lymphomas), pulmonary embolism, sarcoidosis, or lupus. If the ADA test is only mildly or moderately raised, these alternative diagnoses are more likely to be made. It is rare that someone with a low ADA level has tuberculosis in their pleurae. This does not preclude the possibility that they have the infection in other body parts

Tuberculosis is more likely to be present in this location if ADA is noticeably raised in fluid from another part of the body, such as peritoneal fluid or CSF.

A useful diagnostic tool is the measurement of the (ADA) enzyme concentration in bodily fluids. As lymphocyte (T-cell) activity increases, the level of ADA increases. 

Accurex Biomedical

Accurex Biomedical Pvt. Ltd. is an Indian manufacturer and marketer which provides accurate and quality solutions in the diagnostic industry.

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