The lytic reagent composition is used to lyse red blood cells & preserve leukocytes. Lytic reagents are also used as the sheath reagent for the focus flow measurement.
500ml Online from Accurex. The lytic reagent composition is used to lyse red blood cells & preserve leukocytes. Lytic reagents are also used as the sheath reagent for the focus flow measurement.
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The lytic reagent composition is used to lyse red blood cells & preserve leukocytes. Lytic reagents are also used as the sheath reagent for the focus flow measurement.
The lysing reagent is a hypotonic aqueous solution enabling hypotonic lysis of red blood cells. The Lytic reagent comprises a leukoprotective agent for preserving the lymphocyte cellular, integrity during analysis & buffers to provide the correct pH environment for optimal lysis.
The lytic reagent composition, when it is used on a flow cytometric analyzer with multiple angle light scatter & light absorbance measurements, It enables differentiation of leukocytes into five subpopulations.
The lytic reagent composition further comprises an antimicrobial to inhibit the growth of bacteria and fungi.
Lytic effectors are responsible for the killing of infected cells by the immune system. Nonlytic effectors are responsible for the inhibition of viral replication by soluble factors secreted from immune cells.
Arif –
Good quality reagent